Persons of Colour is a community portrait project documenting stories told by PoC, from sustained life-long experiences to incidents of harassment and microaggressions.
Participate with your picture and story here
#3 the story of Mykayla Sullivan
"As a child I hated myself so much. My father is black foot/black while my mother is white.. When I went to family reunions I always felt either too white or too black. On my father's side some of my family told me I was yellow skinned.. Therefore, not black. On my moms side the difference was even more prominent. On one occasion we went to a restaurant in the New England area and we were refused service. Even some of the white costumer began to express confusion but my parents escorted me out before I really knew what was happening.. An interracial couple was bad enough but for them to have the nerve to make a baby? Blasphemy!! *Sarcasm* when I was about thirteen around the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. Someone posted KKK "invitations" all around the area. I distinctly remember scratching my legs up and down to lighten their color (with the ashiness).. I am finally coming around to identify as a black woman and not have it be shaken when someone questions it. I'm currently living in the deep south in a very small town & it is not doing anything positive for my identity. I am so thankful for this page."