I've had professors and teachers go harder on me at exams and with grades, because they assumed since I am Thai, speaking Mandarin would be a given. For some of them it just went over their heads that it's two completely different languages. They think I had an advantage over my white classmates, and would mark me down for one mispronunciation when my white classmates can hardly say a full proper sentence, and still get higher grades even though they speak with the vocabulary of a 4 year old.
Read More#5 the story of Zawuel Hau
She was called slanty eyed, Chinese whore, Chink, Jap, and whatever sludge they could throw at her. She's been robbed several times and her wallet was stolen more than once on the bus. Nobody did anything and she couldn't say anything about it. Can you believe the awful feeling behind that?
Read More#4 the story of anonymous-I
I know this land. I'm tangata whenua. It's in my blood. My name is te wai ote oranaganui, which means the legs of the river. I am the river and the river flows thru my bloodstream. Everyday I have white supremacists trying to take my identity away from me.
Read More#3 the story of Mykayla Sullivan
"when I was about thirteen around the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. Someone posted KKK "invitations" all around the area. I distinctly remember scratching my legs up and down to lighten their color (with the ashiness).."
Read More#2 the story of Z.M.
"I was once prevented from boarding an aircraft bc I made white ppl uncomfortable. "
Read More#1 the story of anonymous
I remember finding ch*nk in the dictionary, slamming it shut, and collapsing into tears
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