Persons of Colour is a portrait project documenting the intimate personal stories faced by PoC, from sustained life-long experiences to incidents of harassment and microaggressions.
Participate with your story and picture here
#1 the story of anonymous
"I only really began to compartmentalize aspects of myself when my Chinese-ness was made apparent to me in an othering fashion
I was 6, in first grade, and this white kid I didn't know called me a ch*nk on the playground and I didn't understand what he meant but I knew it wasn't good
I came in from recess early and asked my teacher for a dictionary, which wasn't necessarily an uncommon occurrence, as I've always felt more comfortable with books than with people
I remember finding ch*nk in the dictionary, slamming it shut, and collapsing into tears
I'm really thankful that recess wasn't nearly over because I already had a reputation as a crier
my teacher was so kind, she came right over and asked what she could do for me
I fell right into her arms and sobbed till the bell rang, then she told me to go to the restroom and take as long as I needed
I didn't tell my father because I instinctually knew he wouldn't understand and I didn't tell my mother because I was too ashamed."